Essential Business Operator and FedEx Ground Independent Service Provider, Slicker Trucking, Inc., provides COVID-19 prevention kits...

Essential Business Operator and FedEx Ground Independent Service Provider, Slicker Trucking, Inc., provides COVID-19 prevention kits to its’ 100+ employees in response to Ohio Governor DeWine’s foresight and leadership.

Medina, Ohio

On March 10th, Ohio Business, Slicker Trucking, Inc., taking queue from Ohio Governor DeWine’s recent announcements, ordered Liquid Deodorizer, Disinfectant, Fungicide and General-Purpose Antimicrobial Surface Cleaner & Hand / T-Zone Sanitizer for its drivers. This, just days after Governor DeWine cancelled the popular Arnold Sports Festival and limited spectators at many professional and academic gatherings and almost a week prior to the closings of Ohio Dine-in Restaurants.

Slicker Trucking is one of thousands of FedEx Ground Independent Service Providers across the country considered “essential” during the COVID-19 crisis.  Dave Byers is the president and owner of Slicker Trucking, Inc. and has provided independent services to FedEx Ground since 2008.

Byers explained, “My employees report for work at five different FedEx Terminals.  FedEx has always done a sufficient job of keeping the terminals and security entrances clean, but I felt early-on it was my responsibility to protect our people, our trucks and our business.”

Slicker Trucking Safety Manager, Rusty Cerveny added, “Dave acted fast to provide information on best practices and tools like quality hand sanitizer and spray to keep us as safe as possible during these difficult times.”

Byers reported his first instinct was to rush out and purchase go-to items like gloves, masks and over-the-counter disinfectant wipes, but he questioned the effectiveness and safety of these items in how his team perform their daily tasks and interactions. He contacted a local representative at ProKlean Services because their products are EPA Safe, Carcinogen Free, and offer surface to skin safe application.  Each of the 100+ Slicker Trucking employees received a COVID-19 prevention kit.   Byers and his managers offer refills and replacement products at each of the terminals. 

Frank Kotouch and Ben Melendez, local linehaul drivers with Slicker Trucking, perform trailer deliveries and pick-ups at local manufacturers, FedEx customers.  Both Kotouch and Melendez stated many FedEx customers have increased their safety and social distancing practices on the loading docks.  When asked about Slicker Trucking’s response to prevention, Kotouch commented, “We are family and they (Slicker) want to make sure we are safe and healthy at all times. They have provided the tools we need to keep ourselves safe through this pandemic so we may service our customers and return home safe to our families.” Melendez added “I feel the owners had a great head start for preparing us for this pandemic. They communicated COVID-19 safety tips and guideline updates weekly. Any time we are low on any essential cleaning supplies they restock immediately. I'm thankful but not at all surprised by their readiness, always thinking of their Slicker Trucking family.”

Adam Allen, delivery driver with Slicker Trucking, is one of the many on the front line handling essential supplies to and from people’s homes and businesses. “Slicker Trucking has gone above and beyond while handling the safety of their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic by sourcing products through ProKlean Services” Allen explained “and made sure that all employees knew the common symptoms and proper protocols if they are feeling any of those symptoms. I feel safe working for Slicker Trucking and I’m grateful for the resources they have provided me during this pandemic.”

Slicker Trucking will continue to offer these products along with continued implementation of distancing practices as the country moves through this pandemic over the next months and beyond. “It’s the new normal”, Byers stated of the way he will look at his business practices beyond COVID-19 and added “COVID-19 crisis keeps changing – the team, our families, and the communities we serve are my top priority.  I’m thankful we are considered essential, to provide employment and benefits to my employees, and out there doing our part to get needed supplies to other essential businesses and those social distancing in their homes.”

Amy Byers